A bad credit score can stop you in your tracks. That’s why maintaining a good credit score is critical to achieving your goals. We’ve identified some tips to help you improve your credit score and make sure your future is free of financial roadblocks.


Review Your Credit Report
Did you know everyone is entitled to one free credit report a year from each of the three nationwide credit reporting agencies? And requesting one has no impact on your score! Lake Shore Savings Bank recommends you review your report closely and dispute any errors you find. There are few, if any, quick credit fixes, but this is a great place to start. Plus, 79% of consumers who disputed credit report errors were successful in removing them.

Tip: Check out FreeCreditReport.com for your free credit report! No credit card required.

Set Up Payment Reminders –

Marking bill due dates in a calendar or setting up reminders online is an excellent way to stay organized and keep you from missing payments. Consistently paying your credit card in a timely manner is an easy and effective way to raise your score within a few months. Plus, it saves you from paying costly late fees, which is money that could be put towards paying down your balances.

Make A Plan –

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to improving one’s credit score. Everyone’s financial history is different. It’s important to understand what needs to be improved before you start. Then, whether it’s sorting out a collections issue or fixing an error on your credit report, you can build out a plan and stick to it.


It takes much longer to improve your credit score than it does to ruin a good one. Monitoring your credit score closely, paying your bills on time, and sticking to a plan are just a few ways you can improve yours. If you find you’re still struggling with how to improve your score, the experts at Lake Shore Savings Bank are here to help. Stop in to one of our many branch locations to talk to a representative.